Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Trev!!!

So this weekend it was my brother Trever's Birthday. He turned 27!! We had a birthday party for him on Saturday night at his house. It was really fun. Originally we planned on making smores, but with the intense heat beating down on us, we opted for creamies instead.

It was way fun and I cant believe they will be moving so soon! All of My sister in laws family were there, and the kids loved getting wet and getting each other wet. Rigdon had quite a bit of "spillage" on his shirt, so I took it off for him :) I love little boys without their shirts on! We had a lot of fun, and will miss those guys living so close!


~Jake, Brianna, Jocelyn, and Carter~ said...

How fun, Meg! I love the summer! Curse the long winter months in Logan - cherish the sun!! Have a good day!

emandtrev said...

Way fun! That little Rigdon is a DOLL!!!

dust and kam said...

Cute pictures!!

Happy Birthday Trevor.

Nice move with the Creamies! Yum! It has been so hot lately. Kinda nice, kinda hot. :)

Rigdon is a cutie.

How far away are they moving? My sis just lives in Granstville, and we hardly ever see them anymore. It's sad. It's like they live across the country.