Monday, December 8, 2008

More Fabulous weekend time!

I think i love the weekends so much because I can get SOOO much stuff done! I have been trying really hard lately to make our house cuter, for as cheap as i can. Thats why I LOVe going to thrift stores every week to see what they have got. Love that! I wish I lived in a city where people threw cool stuff in the alleys, or dumpsters, and I would totally dumpster dive for a good find :) got a sweet old pitcher for a couple dollars, that Matt is CONVINCED is from like the prohibition or something. He suggested we take it to the "Antiques Roadshow"......Ummm we'll see if we can find it online first... ;) it is cool, but I definitely dont think we found something worth a small fortune! I also got some more fabric that is really cute, and matches the fabric on my ottoman, and baskets! Woo hoo! Made some HOMEMADE ornaments for the tree, and a branch boquet from the bushes in the backyard :) Busy weekend, but lots of fun!!!
The cool Pitcher
New art project

Matchy fabric that I love!

Pretty Sunset over the Wellsvilles

Branch boquet

Love him :)


dust and kam said...

You are so creative! I am sure your house is so cute! I should take some tips from you. We have lived here 4 years and I have yet to do much decorating.

And you two are too cute!

Unknown said...

You are sooo cute and I love the fact that you would dumpster dive :) Your stuff is really cute and im glad you show pictures of it, its so fun to see!

Angela Shaw said...

Regular Martha Stewart! So cute Megan! I need to go with you to Someone's Attic bc everytime I go I can't find anything! Although I did go to the DI this past weekend and hit the jackpot! Ya!

emandtrev said...

You really have a talent, Meg. My house needs help--even after almost eight years of marriage. :) I love your new blog template too!

Kristin Dyer said...

Meg, you will have to come out to the Emerald City, lots o thrift out here. I love what you have done with the place.