Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Sterling roses are my fave and so are sweet anniversary cards from my babe. He also made me Salmon and Asparagus (also my faves) and got me some YUMM-O Sorbet. It was a perfect night! I loved it and I love Matt :)


Angela Shaw said...

Looks so nice! I love the wedding picture out! Congrats on 2 years.

Unknown said...

Wow Matt has always been one of the coolest guys I've met. What a awesome hubby! Those are 2 of my favorite foods to eat too!

emandtrev said...

I know he's my brother, but I agree that he is a sweetheart! Those roses are so pretty!

Let's definitely plan on next Wednesday for dinner!

emandtrev said...

P.S., I love those plates. :)

Anonymous said...

I like the beer mugs. :)

Ryan and Alisha said...

Hey Megan! I remembered where to find you! I LOVE SORBET! I wish I had some right now. Those flowers are pretty. I hope everything is good, it sounds like you guys are!

The Draxler Days said...

Sterling roses...brings back memories! Hope life is good. We should get together as a big old group some day soon. Husbands and all! Camie